
My reading this morning got me thinking about escalators.  My grandma Booher would never get on one.  If we were in Vanevers or Brown-Duncan Department store back then, we’d always have to find the elevator which was usually tucked back near the bathrooms or the administrative office.  

My reading today was regarding making decisions about staying fit.  Taking the stairs rather than the elevator burns a few more calories than standing in an elevator.  Back in college my room in Cordell Hall was on the third floor and there was no elevator, so it was always the stairs.  One of my offices in Brentwood was on the third floor and although we had an elevator, I rarely, if ever used it. It helped that my office was at the end of the hall right near the stairwell.  (Obviously if I was THAT concerned about calories, walking down the long hallway would have burned another calorie or two). 

Then there was my first private practice office on Crestmoor Road in Green Hills also on the third floor.  The elevator in that building was the original prototype—ancient and small.  When I worked late and was the last one to leave the building I said a prayer when I stepped in the elevator that I would not spend the whole night there.  It made the most god-awful noises as it attempted to deliver you to the parking level in the basement.  

My son-in-law, Brian, who certainly is a man’s man, is spooked by elevators or small spaces, claustrophobic.  When the family is hanging out and using an elevator, Brian disappears searching for the stairs.  One holiday after we’d installed our big metal box storm room there was a tornado alert and for a few moments the ten of us crammed into the room—short of Brian who we would have had to hogtie and drag him in should we have heard the roar.  

Anyway, our conveyances are interesting.  I’m stilling wanting to try the ‘beam me up, Scotty!’ thing, the teleporter from Star Trek.  I just don’t want to be in the front of the line.  I’ve learned over the years to wait until they work a few bugs out of new devices before I invest, money or my flesh and bone.  I don’t want my top half in LA and my lower half in NYC!


North Denver Avenue

